My 7 Favourite Words

Ever have the feeling that you favour certain words more than others? Once pronounced, the sound of their syllables makes you feel like exclaiming, “Perfect!” or “I love you!” even though those would quite frankly be ridiculous things to say to a word.

In alphabetical order, here are a few of my personal favourites:

Absolution: It means forgiveness but sounds so much better! I think I like this word because of the “s” sound in the middle. I just feel like the sound is so smooth and sassy. (See what I did there?)

Asphyxiation: Don’t misunderstand. I like this word not for its meaning, but for the way it rolls off my tongue. It’s so rare to see an “x” in the middle of things! It gives the word a kind of magic I can’t quite describe.

Carmine: This one means dark red. I don’t like the word “car” and I only moderately enjoy the word “mine”, so it’s odd that when they combine together, they become a word that is music to my ears.

Diffident: I think aside from “s”, the “f” sound in the middle of a word is also something I’ve noticed I consistently like. Diffident means shy, hesitant and whenever I say or think of the word, an image of Yuki Nagato comes to mind unbidden. Who can resist Yuki? So yeah, one of my faves, hands down.

Dulcet: Sweet. Yes the word is sweet, but its meaning is also literally “sweet”! That aside, it can also mean “pleasing”, which is very interesting, because it allows me to say something ridiculously dorky like “dulcet is a dulcet word” ha ha!

Ineffable: A synonym to unutterable but 100x more pleasing to my ears. To be fair to unutterable though, my friends have made so many cow jokes around me that now hearing the word “utter” makes me think of “udder”… Anyyyway, I like to think this word to myself when I can’t find the right words for something. It calms me down and makes my friends ask me why I’m smiling like an idiot.

Melancholy: Learned this word from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. (If you haven’t watched it, watch it! You’ll meet Yuki in it.) It’s that terrible feeling of having a dark gloomy cloud hanging over you 24/7, when your thoughts seem to loop in repeat and never lead anywhere good.

Well, that seems like a rather melancholy note to end on, but I really must get my homework done.

… Oh alright, I’ll give a more satisfying ending.


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